Things That Rock

Things That Rock
Brought to you by: Oak Grove Guns

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Adam Savage Builds Blade Runner Gun...

I do like me my sci-fi... I also love me some Mythbusters... Combine the two and you get Adam Savage building the gun from Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner"... Check it out over at!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Illinois Office Shoots Antlers Of Tangled Deer To Free Them...

I guess this is one way to free some tangled deer as oppose to getting up personal and possibly getting gored... DON'T WORRY! NO DEER WERE KILLED...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Inside a 1911 Pistol As It's Fired: Animation

According to the original post it's not 100% accurate however, it is pretty freaking awesome to watch...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hitch Hiker Saves The Day With A Hatchet?!

Yeah, I know... The headline is kind of ridiculous. But this video came out earlier this week and I just got around to watching it.

To fill you in with a very abridged version... Crazy guy (Jett Simmons McBride) hits a utility worker with his car crushing his legs as well as attacks 2 women... In comes "Kai from Dogtown"... Watch the video but be WARNED. LANGUAGE! Which in my opinion kind of makes it that much more awesome.

Micro Unmanned Vehicles

Wow... This just put all of the COD games and Metal Gear games in perspective...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Weekend Range Time

Finally got some range time in this weekend and got to break in the Ruger SR1911. I got the gun reviews piling up but one will come soon on this pistol as well as one for the Sig Sauer p238.