Things That Rock

Things That Rock
Brought to you by: Oak Grove Guns

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nintendo Unveils the WiiU

5 years ago the Nintendo Wii blasted on to the scene with it's innovative control system and appeal to the causal gamer. Even the the hardcore gamers for a bit couldn't resist the novelty of a motion controller that made it feel like you were actually swinging a bat or swiping a sword! But, like all novelties they fade. In the past 2 years the Wii console lost a lot of steam and for the most part has been dead in the water. With considerably less graphic's HP than other consoles it also lacked HD which if anyone has ever played a Wii on a 42" TV or bigger, it looks terrible.

With that understanding Nintendo went out to re-invent itself again. Much like they did with Wii 5 years ago. This week at E3 Nintendo unveiled its new console set for a 2012 release, the WiiU.

Based off the presentation Nintendo did at E3 the system seems to have beefed up it's graphic output as well have HD capabilities. But the main focus of the new system is it's tablet like controller. Think of a big standard controller (D-Pad, paddle buttons, A-B buttons, etc.) but with a touch screen in the middle. A couple points they made within the presentation is that if your TV that the system is hooked up to needs to be used for say watching a television program you can continue your game using the display on the tablet controller so your gaming doesn't get interrupted. Another feature that looked incredibly intriguing is the use of the tablet controller with other peripherals such as the Wii wand. One example was the for what seemed like a golf game in which you would use the Wii wand in the way you would in any golf game for the Wii however, the tablet controller could be set on the ground to display your ball placement. Very interesting indeed!

It might be too early to say but it looks like Nintendo is ready to take back what is there's which is the family friendly gaming demo but as well compete for the more than casual gamer with the WiiU. During Nintendo's presentation they also emphasized 3rd party software companies are all if not mostly on board for this new system! A huge plus for Nintendo in cutting into Microsoft & Sony's market share in the console industry!

Needless to say, I can't wait!