Things That Rock

Things That Rock
Brought to you by: Oak Grove Guns

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Insane Bike Crash

He looses a shoe and still manages to walk away from this gnarley crash!
Biker Walks Away From Insane Crash - Watch More Funny Videos

Back In The Swing of Things...

So, after a little vacation time/being unplugged from the world I am back! Also, here's an alleged glass piece for the the iPhone 5... Apparently it's taller than the iPhone 4... Dare I say I might venture back to the iPhone if they finally get a bigger screen?

Friday, May 18, 2012

In Case You Missed It...

First episode of Trigger Time brought to you by Oak Grove Guns! Check it!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Welcome To My Hood...

And a lovely hood it is... Stay classy Springfield with your knight battles!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Even Super Heroes Have Bad Days

Fun little animation with the characters of the Marvel Universe...

Disassembled from Junaid Chundrigar on Vimeo.

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier hits all gaming platforms May 22nd! Check the game trailer below!

Now, for some more radness... Check out the live action short film for Ghost Recon below!!!

Full Auto Glock 22

I want.

Check out the article here.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Avengers Soundtrack

A little Rise Against off The Avengers soundtrack... So good...

Camel VS. Plastic Bin

As I heard else where in regards to this video... "A 2 humped camel would have kicked that bins ass..."

Hatfields & McCoys

So, after nerding out and watching The Avengers for the second time in a week... The trailers at the beginning of the movie got me pretty excited for the mini-series Hatfield & McCoys premiering Memorial weekend...

The trailer definitely had a lot of help via the song, "Bartholomew" by the band "The Silent Comedy". Can't wait!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Runner Up In BowTech T-Shirt Design Contest

So, I forgot to mention last week but my design I had submitted for the national T-Shirt design contest got runner up! Granted I didn't win my design still has a chance to make it into BowTech's 2013 apparel line!


Full Auto Shotgun

A full auto shotgun that's not the AA-12! Sneak peek at the new shotgun from SRM Arms.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oak Grove Guns Presents: Trigger Time

Video reviews, tips & information on firearms and firearm acessories! Featured here on the "Things That Rock" blog!

Larry Vickers Playing With A H&K MP7

Larry Vickers always gets to play with the cool guns...

The Expendables 2 Trailer

This looks so bad... I'm probably going to go see it... CHUCK NORRIS!!!!

3 Barreled Pistol

Recently I've seen an article on a new 1911 style, double barreled pistol. Chambered in either .45ACP or 9mm... Then I stumbled across this antique pistol today... I guess gun makers have always been fascinated with more barrels in pistols... Good luck finding some 6.35mm ammo for this gun though... I think I'd rather just have one barrel that shot .410 shot (THANK YOU Taurus Judge!)... Then I really don't have to be a good aim... Just saying.

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Show For Outdoor Channel

So based off the shows title for this new Outdoor Channel TV show I can only expect one thing from the show "Rapid Fire"... And that would be that it's going to be AWESOME! Currently filming now via Outdoor Channel FB update.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Shooting An AR-15 Underwater...

I feel like it's obvious but I'll say it anyway... DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS AT HOME! With that said... Enjoy.

Um, this guy has is cooler than you... 'Cause he has a JETPACK

A dude with a FREAKIN' JETPACK! Need I say more...

.22lr Pistols

So with the rising price of ammo (again) you can definitely expect a resurgence in .22lr chambered guns as a lot of people who shoot want to still have fun plinking or training with out breaking the bank...

For those who shoot, you like to shoot a gun that's familiar to you... Albeit, you might have a pistol chambered in .22lr it might look or act like any other of your guns (i.e. S&W 22a-1 which I personally have).

With that said! Thank goodness companies have in the past couple years have started producing .22lr pistols that act and for the most part function like their centerfire counter parts. Now, of course kits (slide, barrel & guide) have existed for a while for your more popular models of pistols but were usually priced at point were you could pretty much buy another nice centerfire pistol (i.e. CZ Cadet 22 Kit is around $400!)

There seems endless options out there these days. Including Ruger's new SR22 which you can of course find at Oak Grove Guns...

And of course for the tatic-cool people, you can pick up a GSG 1911 from American Tactical Imports and trick it out...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The "Things That Rock" Blog is now brought to you by OAK GROVE GUNS!

Greetings all,

I am proud and very excited to say that the "Things That Rock Blog" is now sponsored by the great people at OAK GROVE GUNS!

Aside from just being a huge fan of enthusiast of technology and gadgets I've also in the past few years have become a big fan of shooting sports! Starting with casual plinking I got into hunting and from there I was to say the least now obsessed with the world of guns.

That's why teaming up with Oak Grove Guns is so exciting to me! We hope to utilize this pairing and inform and hopefully get others interested into the world of firearms which understandably can be intimidating...

AND PLEASE! Please check out the folks at Oak Grove Guns! They are incredibly friendly and very knowledgeable about firearms and can help you with any questions you may have in regards to guns!

So, with that said stay tuned for review post, articles & videos and more about the awesome world of firearms!


Black Key's "Lonely Boy" Cover... On spoons?!

If this video teaches me anything it's that spoons CAN be integrated into rock music AND that Australians hang out in hordes of Kangaroos!!! SERIOUSLY, THIS IS AWESOME!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Avengers **CLIP**

Thor & Cap battling robots!!! YEEESSSSSS!!!! The Avengers hits theaters this Friday! See ya at the movies!!!