Things That Rock

Things That Rock
Brought to you by: Oak Grove Guns

Monday, April 30, 2012


As if you really need to be anymore excited for this movie to come out... Well, this will get you even that more excited... Enjoy!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Sponsor You Say?!...

Indeed it's true! A sponsor is coming soon to the "Things That Rock Blog" that pretty much will add to it's rock n' roll cred... Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thor & Iron Man Face Off!

A little clip from the upcoming Avengers (2012) film! Enjoy!

Pennsylvania High School Campus Looks A Little Familiar (STAR WARS REFERENCE!!!)

NERD ALERT!!! But none-the-less in typical "Things That Rock" blog fashion... These high schoolers learn how to shoot first and do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!

Read the story here.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Holy Hologram Tupac?!

In case you haven't seen or heard already... This past weekend at Coachella AV Concepts (production company) showed off a hologram performance of Tupac! Later on in the video Snoop Dogg joins the hologram and performs!

Check it!

I miss you weekend...

Needless to say... I had a good weekend... And I miss it...



Original GNR Lineup (sans Axl) Performs at Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction

In light of last weeks statement from Axl Rose about the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame induction for Guns & Roses (click here to read statement) that didn't stop the other original members of GNR from making an appearance and perform a few songs with Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge, Slash) with the band! Steven Adler even looked kind of lucid!

This video honestly made me smile...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Zombie Survival Kit

So, hopefully it's no surprise that I'm huge into firearms, knives and survival gear... By no means am I a "Doomsday Prepper" but it's kind of fun to play with the gear and not to mention sometimes handy to have...

The tomahawk as seem to have recently had renaissance in design recently. Now, not all of us can afford a Benchmade Tomahwak (which by all means, MOST anything that is Benchmade is pretty quality) at $200 plus!

However, I stumbled across this little guy recently by United Cutlery, the M48 Hawk Axe Tactical!

It doesn't have a full tang however the fiber glass handle is intriguing in regards to weight reduction, but if I had a choice between this and a wooden handled hatchet during the zombie apocalypse I would not hesitate to grab the M48!

You can get the cool little package of the M48, sheath & compass for around $33 or so if you go on Amazon... WATCH OUT ZOMBIES!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

LOOK OUT!!!! It's a guy in a panda suit?!

Buuhahahaha! Okay, I might have laughed a little too hard when initially seeing this video... But seriously, their unreasonable screams of terror are kind of hilarious... Perhaps, the children were just THAT OFFENDED that the panda costume was that crappy...